Berry Construction Company, Inc.
2525 Broad Street
Chattanooga, TN 37408
423-267-2234 Phone
423-267-3046 Fax

For people from all walks of life, multifamily homes are an increasingly popular option for U.S. households. According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, 32.6 million residences, or 24.6% of housing in the U.S. today, is multifamily. These spaces include apartment buildings, condominiums, townhouses and mixed-use developments.
The trends driving the construction and occupancy of multi family dwellings have shifted noticeably in the last several years. Multi family homes are getting smarter, healthier and more inclusive. Today’s residents desire shared amenities like a fitness/exercise center, community pool, community garden, or recreation facility.
There is also an embrace of all things high tech. Residents flock to homes where they can check energy use with a phone app, or connect to internet that works reliably in every building. Residents also increasingly want environmentally friendly and energy saving spaces that reduce their energy costs and use resources sustainably and responsibly.
Another recent trend is outdoor spaces such as dog parks, biking and hiking trails, and large outdoor communal areas to soak up some rays or enjoy a pleasant evening.
Berry Construction Company, Inc. specializes in providing construction solutions for multi family dwellings. The Berry team has established a national network of partnerships with industry-leading professionals and can provide project specific solutions and services to address your specific project goals.
Berry Construction is a highly qualified, experienced and professional team with the resources needed for the design and construction of your multi family projects. Please contact us to learn more about how the Berry Construction can help you design and construct your multi family projects on time and within budget.
Berry Construction Company, Inc.
2525 Broad Street
Chattanooga, TN 37408
423-267-2234 Phone
423-267-3046 Fax
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