Berry Construction Company, Inc.
2525 Broad Street
Chattanooga, TN 37408
423-267-2234 Phone
423-267-3046 Fax

Publix Shopping Center
Semmes, Alabama
Grocery store construction requires specialized knowledge and skills that not every builder possesses.
Hiring a General Contractor unfamiliar with the specific rigors of grocery store construction for a project will likely result in the extremely time-consuming and challenging endeavor of resolving the multitude of resulting issues. At Berry Construction, we are familiar with the unique elements that make Grocery construction very different from other types of retail construction projects.
A significant number of grocery stores are open 24 hours each day, and none have the luxury of allowing construction to negatively impact sales volume.
Grocery shopping is a habitual activity. Consumers want a shopping experience that is predictable and easy. Consumers expect to find every item where they expect it to be, from the moment they enter the parking lot until they arrive back home with their grocery purchases. At Berry Construction, we are familiar with the challenge of ensuring customer’s routines are not disrupted.
The pace of grocery renovations is escalating. A face lift project that was previously on a 7 to 10 year cycle is now happening as often as every 4 years.
The grocery business has become more specialized. Grocery stores are no longer identical from one location to the next. The days of cookie cutter locations is over and customization has become imperative.
The customer demands are often very different from one neighborhood to another. Several locations may have a large prepared foods department while others only require a more traditional deli counter.
Local consumer trends have a direct impact on store design decisions, even to the point of influencing the changing of layouts mid-construction.
At Berry Construction we are able to anticipate the needs of a particular location and remain nimble enough to accommodate changes with minimal disruption to the project goals and deadlines. Berry Construction is a highly qualified, experienced and professional team with all of the resources needed for the design and construction of your grocery construction projects. Please contact us to learn more about how the Berry Construction team can help you construct your grocery project.
Berry Construction Company, Inc.
2525 Broad Street
Chattanooga, TN 37408
423-267-2234 Phone
423-267-3046 Fax
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